Beckman Young Investigator Program
Amount: $600,000
Deadline: Aug. 1
Provides research support to promising young faculty members in the chemical and life sciences, particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open new avenues of research in science.
NSF: Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities
Amount: $200,000
Deadline: Sept. 15
T-AP is a collaboration between funders in South America, North America and Europe with the goal of increasing transatlantic research collaboration in the social sciences and humanities.
NSF: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Amount: $465,000
Deadline: Sept. 27
Supports research participation by undergraduates in research areas funded by NSF. REU projects involve students in in ongoing research programs or in projects specifically designed for the program.
NIH: Leveraging Social Networks to Promote Widespread Individual Behavior Change
Amount: $679,000 - $755,000
Deadline: Nov. 3
Invites participation from researchers looking to study how intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms of behavior change interact with, influence or are influenced by characteristics of social networks, with implications for health.
NIH: Investigator-Initiated Research in Genomics and Health Equity
Amount: $604,000 - $3,775,000
Deadline: Nov. 8
The purpose of this initiative is to support investigator-initiated research in genomics and health equity, with the goal of developing approaches, generating and disseminating data, and of implementing metrics or interventions that will advance the equitable use of genomics to improve health in U.S. populations.