A monthly publication of the UGA Office of Research with the latest funding opportunities and announcements in support of our research community. |
From the VPR
- Grant Opportunities
- Humanities & Arts Opportunities
- Foundation Opportunities
- Limited Submissions
Recent Notable Awards
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- Research Announcements
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| Broadening the impact of research
Whether we’re teaching in a classroom, conducting research or creative inquiry in a laboratory, studio or field site, or engaging in a service opportunity, we want our efforts to make a difference in the world. As researchers, we all hope the intellectual, creative, and scientific merits of our work translate into positive change or impact on some level. |
DOD: Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Amount: $50,000 to $3 million
Deadline: Feb. 16 Supports acquisition of major equipment to augment current or develop new research capabilities in support of DoD-relevant research.
NSF: Emerging Mathematics in Biology (eMB) Amount: $1.2 million
Deadline: March 11 Stimulates fundamental interdisciplinary and potentially transformative research pertaining to the development of innovative mathematical/statistical/computational theories, tools, and models to investigate challenges of interest to biologists and public health policymakers. NSF: Strengthening American Infrastructure (SAI) Amount: $640,000
Deadline: March 12 Funds human-centered, use-inspired, fundamental, and potentially transformative research to strengthen America’s infrastructure.
NSF: Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence and Geosciences (CAIG) Amount: Unspecified
Deadline: March 15 Advances development and adoption of innovative artificial intelligence methods to increase scientific understanding of the Earth system.
NSF: Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT) Amount: Varies by proposal type
Deadline: April 8 Invites proposals from multidisciplinary, multi-sector teams that demonstrate the principles, methodologies, implementations, and impacts associated with responsible design, development, and deployment of technologies in practice. NIH: Stephen I. Katz Early-Stage Investigator Research Project Grant (R01) Amount: Unspecified Deadline: May 29
Supports an innovative project that represents a change in research direction for an early-stage investigator and for which no preliminary data exist. There are two companion FOAs: Clinical Trial Not Allowed (PAR-24-075) and Basic Experimental Studies with Human Required (PAR-24-076). |
Humanities & Arts Opportunities |
NEH: Landmarks of American History and Culture
Amount: Up to $190,000 Deadline: Feb. 14
Focuses on humanities studies within sites, areas, or regions of historic and cultural significance, which expand participants’ knowledge of and approaches to teaching diverse histories, cultures, and perspectives in the United States and its jurisdictions.
NEH: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Amount: Up to $250,000
Deadline: Feb. 15 Supports national or regional training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students. NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars and practitioners using digital technology in their research and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities. Willson Center Distinguished Artist or Lecturer Grants Amount: $1,500
Deadline: Feb. 15 Supports individual faculty or interdisciplinary groups in bringing leading thinkers and practitioners to campus in support of ongoing and innovative research projects. Willson Center Research Seminars Amount: $2,000
Deadline: Feb. 15 Supports faculty organizing yearlong interdisciplinary discussion groups on research topics. Funds are to be used to bring to campus scholars from other institutions.
Willson Center Faculty Research Grants Amount: Up to $15,000
Deadline: March 1 Supports development of an impactful program of research or creative practice in the humanities and arts. Grants are considered “seed money” for research in that they should lead to the growth and development of continuing research. |
Simons Foundation Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) Amount: Varies Deadline: Rolling
Supports high-risk theoretical mathematics, physics and computer science projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance. Provides funding for up to five years.
Imagine Learning Foundation Amount: $50,000 to $100,000 Deadline: March 29
Bridges connections between classroom learning and positive learning environments outside the classroom by promoting and expanding access to these programs at home and in the community. |
NSF: Partnerships for Innovation Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track
Amount: Varies Deadline: Oct. 23 Supports translational research and technology development, partnership formation, and transition of discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation: Mathers Grants Winter 2023/2024
Amount: $750,000 Deadline: Oct. 27 Aims to advance the life sciences by sponsoring scientific research that will benefit mankind. This program funds basic scientific research, ideally with the potential for translational application. NEA: Grants for Arts Projects
Amount: $10,000-$100,000 anticipated range based on prior program years Deadline: To be announced
Interested parties should begin planning for an expected internal limited submissions posting for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants for Arts Projects. For any questions in advance of the posting, please contact Dave Marr with the Willson Center at davemarr@uga.edu.
NSF: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar, and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (GEOPAths) Amount: Unspecified Deadline: Nov. 17 Funds projects that address current needs and opportunities related to education, learning, training and professional development within the geosciences community. NIH: Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Amount: $151,000 Deadline: Jan. 12, 2024 Supports educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. |
Advanced Geospatial Analytics and Electromagnetic Shielding Technologies for Enhanced Sustainability (ARL-EDGE) Funder: U.S. Department of Army Amount: $4,741,644 PI: Deepak Mishra, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Geography
Defining the mechanisms of MSC extracellular vesicle modulation of microglia metabolism and bioenergetics in traumatic brain injury recovery Funder: National Institutes of Health Amount: $2,982,008 PI: Ross Marklein, College of Engineering
Establishing a Socio-ecological System to Support Northern Bobwhite Populations Long-term: Implications for Ecosystem Services and Hunting Opportunities Funder: Georgia Department of Natural Resources Amount: $2,583,362
PI: James Martin, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
CAREER: Additively Manufactured Nanomaterial Layers with Submicron Structures Funder: National Science Foundation Amount: $604,644
PI: Kenan Song, College of Engineering
CAREER: Recycling the Radio Spectrum for Science: A New Paradigm for UAS-based Precision Agriculture Funder: National Science Foundation Amount: $500,000
PI: Mehmet Kurum, College of Engineering |
Sign Up for Funding Alerts |
2024 Military Health System Research Symposium Abstract Window Now Open
Obtaining funding from mission-driven agencies requires early, consistent engagement with stakeholders and program managers. The Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) is the U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) premier annual scientific research conference that brings together military providers, academia, industry, and government officials. Abstract submission for the 2024 MHSRS closes Feb. 21. Click here for a list of 2024 MHSRS sessions and instructions for abstract submission.
Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research (TIR) Pre-Seed Program
Provides early-stage funding to facilitate formation of teams focused on new interdisciplinary research topics. The FY2024 application window will be Feb. 1 to
April 1 (or when available funds are allocated). For more information, please visit our website or contact lahornak@uga.edu. |
FY 2025 Faculty Seed Grants in the Sciences and Engineering
These seed grants are intended to fund research generating preliminary data that will be leveraged to compete for externally funded grant/contract opportunities and contribute to a sustainable program of research and scholarship. Basic and applied research in the social, life and physical sciences, and engineering are eligible for funding. Proposal deadline is March 1.
New ChemSafeUGA platform simplifies lab safety for investigators
UGA’s Office of Research Safety (ORS) has adopted new software for its Chemical Safety Plan (CSP) that will streamline submission of CSPs for investigators and lab managers across campus. Called ChemSafeUGA, the new platform links to outside databases that make it easier for lab personnel to keep their CSPs up to date with information on hazardous chemicals and substances, current rosters of lab employees, and building/location information. If you have questions about ChemSafeUGA, contact ORS Director Zeke Barrera at 542-9373 or ebarr@uga.edu.
Willson Center now accepting nominations for 2024-25 Delta Visiting Chair
The Willson Center for Humanities and Arts invites nominations from faculty and students for the 2024-25 Delta Visiting Chair for Global Understanding. The Delta Visiting Chair, established by the Willson Center through the support of The Delta Air Lines Foundation, hosts outstanding artists, writers, musicians, socially engaged thinkers, and cultural innovators. UGA Libraries welcome new leadership The University of Georgia Libraries has gained three new leaders starting this spring semester.
Sara Wright joined UGA in January as associate university librarian for learning services and academic engagement. Emily Gore was promoted to deputy university librarian and has served UGA Libraries since May 2022. Kat Stein has been named interim associate university librarian for Special Collections after serving as director of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library since 2017. |
“What in the World is Innovation, Anyway?” Friday, Feb. 8
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Register via Zoom
Whether your idea is a new drug with commercial potential or an organizational policy with societal impact, the Innovation Gateway team is here to help. This edition of Research Live will educate you on the different paths down which your innovative ideas could take you and show how Innovation Gateway’s Startups and Licensing teams can help you achieve maximum impact from your innovations. |
At least 7 million people—mostly in Central and South America, but also in the southern United States— are believed to be living with Chagas disease. The parasite
Trypansoma cruzi that causes the life-threatening illness is transmitted to humans and animals when an insect commonly called a kissing bug poops on its victim after biting them. This image clearly shows the three-segmented rostrum, or beak, that kissing bugs use to suck blood from their unfortunate sleeping victims. Read the full story. (Photo by Ruby Harrison)